The timedatectl command is control the system time and date. /etc/sysconfig/clock: This file is holding timezone name on RHEL based systems./etc/timezone: This file is holding timezone name on debian based systems./etc/localtime: This file is symlink with timezone file./usr/share/zoneinfo: This directory contains timezone files.It offers a tool called timdedatectl for updating the timezone in systemd system. It help users to perform many actions easily in Linux system. Systemd is such a wonderful system manager of Linux system, that comes with many handy tools. How to change the TimeZone on systemd system in Linux? 10 Methods To Check The HostName In Linux.4 Methods To Change The HostName In Linux.If you are looking for related articles then navigate to the following URLs. If so, use the following procedures based on your distributions to change it.

Say for example, If you buy a server from third party, they might have set the timezone based on their location. Sometimes we may need to change the timezone of systems for various reasons. Time zone setup has been done usually while performing the OS installation.If you missed to setup the proper timezone in that point, don’t worry we can setup that later by using simple steps.