You can also use the "Edit Citations(s)" button to add extra information to your citation, using the "Prefix" field, which adds whatever you type to the start of your citation, or the "Suffix" field, which adds whatever you type to the end of your citation. Make sure you have Harvard (Brad) selected. If you still do not see it, you may be using a style that does not show page numbers. If you do not see the page number appear in the citation, click on the "Update Citations and Bibliography" button. You just need to put in the number, not the word "pages" or anything else, as EndNote will add that for you. The bottom field in the box is called Pages. To do this, make sure your cursor is in the citation that needs changing, then go to the EndNote toolbar. If you have exactly quoted words, images or anything else in your work, you need to include the page number in your citation. Edit